Access To Clean Water And Reliable Sewerage System To Become Reality For Kenyans Living In Urban Areas

Access to water is paramount to the socio-economic development of any urban area. Though it is essential to the survival of human beings, millions of people in Kenya do not have access to either drinkable water or a functioning sewerage system, exposing millions of people to diseases.
In the country, the inability of people to have access to clean and safe water has been exacerbated by various factors including droughts, deforestation, and destruction of catchment areas, and as the resource becomes worse, the disadvantaged in the society continue suffering.
The WASH joint monitoring programme report (2019) by The World Health Organization and UNICEF found that only 59% of Kenyans have access to basic water services and only 29% have access to sanitary services. The situation is even dire in urban centres where informal settlements are on the increase.
It is for this reason that projects such as the African Development Bank’s Kenya Towns Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Program (KTSWSSP) seek to improve the access, quality, availability and sustainability of water supply and wastewater management services in multiple towns in Kenya.
Implemented by the several Water Works Development, the programs envisions to improve quality, availability, and sustainability of water supply and wastewater management services in multiple towns across the country
For Athi Water Works Development Agency (AWWDA) this means oversee the water and sewerage works under its jurisdiction as well as the selected projected implemented by Tanathi Water Works Development Agency and Coast Water Works Development Agency. This projects will see AWWDA undertake works in Nairobi, Muranga, Kiambu, Machakos, Kitui, Kilifi, Mombasa, Kwale and Malindi Counties.
The works which will vary from project to project will include the establishment of water distribution networks, last-mile residential connections, rehabilitation of the existing wastewater treatment plant, construction of ablution blocks, drilling of boreholes. In the end, over 1.2 million households are expected to have water with over 500,000 cubic meters and sewerage connections.
The $124 million projects are aimed at catalyzing commercial activities, driving economic growth, employment creation, and improving the quality of life of the people in the nine countries.
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