Disposable helmets approved amid increase in Bodaboda accidents

In bid to encourage the use of helmets by both riders and pillions, The Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) has approved a new standard of disposable helmets.
The use of BodaBoda has become very popular in Kenya though it has raised issues of safety due to riders and passengers’ failure to use safety gear, such as helmets.
One of the concerns cited for not using helmets is health issues arising from the multiple uses of a single helmet by many passengers.
KEBS, through Leather and Textile Division, has developed a standard for motorcycle riders/passengers helmet liners; KS 2944:2021 Kenya Standard Disposable helmet liner Specification.
This standard is aimed at reducing injuries, and even fatalities in this fast growing sub-sector of the economy.
Other standards developed in the Textile sub-division are various test methods for carpets and other floor covering.
In addition to the above standards, there are three developed standards for locally/authentic textile products. The three products are popular with, both locals and tourists as well.
The standards include;
- KS EAS 1014:2021 Kenya Standard — Textiles — Dera dress — Specification, First Edition
- KS EAS 1015:2021 Kenya Standard — Textiles — Kikoi — Specification, First Edition
- KS EAS 1016:2021 Kenya Standard — Textiles — Maasai Shuka — Specification, First Edition
“These standards are key to unlocking the potential in our textile sector and we are committed to ensuring that the sector gets it right from the onset with the use of these new standards,” says Lt Col (Rtd.) Bernard Njiraini, Managing Director, KEBS.
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