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Safaricom supports counties, donates PPEs to healthcare workers in the fight against COVID-19



Safaricom Foundation has handed over personal protective equipment (PPEs) worth over KES 7 million to healthcare workers in Meru, Kajiado and Baringo in support of the fight against the coronavirus in those three counties.

Healthcare workers in Meru will receive N95 masks, hazardous materials suits, face shields, surgical gowns and masks as well as hand sanitsers.

In Kajiado County, 200 health workers will receive face masks, eye protectors, gloves, sanitizers and protective clothing. The PPEs will be distributed to Kajiado County Referral Hospital, Ole Kasasi Health Centre, Kitengela Sub-County hospital and Loitoktok Sub-County Hospital.

On the other hand, for Baringo County, the PPEs will benefit 300 health workers in two health centres and an isolation facility. The equipment includes N95 masks, surgical masks and protective clothing.

 “Our health workers are at the front line of the COVID-19 outbreak response and as such are exposed to hazards that put them at risk of infection. That is why we continue to support the counties with PPEs which are crucial in protecting the health workers as they go about their important roles”, said Joseph Ogutu, Chairman, Safaricom Foundation. 

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