Uhuru announces closure of Tanzania and Somalia borders

President Uhuru Kenyatta has today ordered a cessation of movement of persons and passenger vehicles in and out of Kenya through Somalia and Tanzania borders.
In a live national address from State House Nairobi, Uhuru said that the government had taken such tough measure in a bid to contain the spread of COVID-19. There had been growing fears of widespread infections in the border towns especially with rises cases of infections in Tanzania and Somalia.
He added: “I am today directing as follows that there will be a cessation of movement of persons and passenger ferrying automobiles into and out of the territory of the republic of Kenya, through the Kenya Tanzania international border.”
Uhuru said that only cargo trucks will be allowed in and out of the County upon being subjected to mandatory testing for COVID-19 and would only be allowed if they tested negative.
“There shall also be a cessation of movement of persons ferrying automobiles and vehicles into and out of the territory of the republic of Kenya through the Kenya – Somali international border, except for cargo vehicles,” the president said.
The order will stay in place for the next 30 days.
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