Equity Bank Appoints Samuel Onyango as Non-Executive Director

Equity has announced the appointment of Samuel Onyango as a Non-Executive Director to it’s Equity Bank (Kenya) Limited (EBKL) Board.
The former CEO of Delloite East Africa has extensive leadership experience in a wide range of professional services as a Certified Auditor, Company Secretary, Arbitrator, and Mediator, including his contribution to the development of the accounting profession in East, Central, and Southern Africa during his career.
Currently, he is a Director at Jadala Investments Ltd., a Non-Executive Director at BAT Kenya Limited since July 2019, and a member of its Audit and Risk Committee. He is the immediate former CEO of Delloite East Africa where he served for 38 years in various audit and advisory roles. His past roles include being Chair of the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya and president of the Eastern, Central, and Southern Africa Federation of Accountants.
“We are thrilled to welcome Samuel as a new independent director to our board. He brings decades of broad executive leadership experience in audit and risk practices that are key in our operations as an integrated financial services provider. Samuel’s guidance will be invaluable to the Equity board of directors in our oversight and quality assurance roles as we execute the next phase of strategic innovation and growth,” said EBKL Chairman Ambassador Erastus Mwencha, as he welcomed him to the Board.
On his part, Samuel commented on his commitment to serving the board, “Equity has a distinguished board with great diversity, expertise and experience. The management and staff at Equity are highly skilled and this is evidenced in how the institution has continued to remain at the top. I am confident that working together, we will be able to effectively sail through the pandemic and continue to be a key financial player in our country and the region,” said Samuel.
Samuel holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Nairobi and is a Certified Accountant and Company Secretary. He is also a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants (England and Wales), Institute of Certified Secretaries (Kenya), and Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya.
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