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The Innovator: A Guide to Inventive Problem-Solving launched



The Inter Region Economic Network (IREN Kenya) is drawing from its over 15 years managing business and innovation competitions to introduce inventive problem-solving approaches.

The publication of “The Innovator: A guide to Inventive Problem-Solving” borrows heavily from theories developed by a famous Russian Scientist Genrich Altshuller.

The publication is meant to improve the quality of problem solving in business, technology, and digitalization initiatives in Kenya and the region.

The easy-to-read book incorporates 10 inventive principles, examples of production drawings, and field test-run pictures to inspire the reader.

The central concept of inventive problem-solving theory is that there are fundamental contradictions at the root of most problems.

A reliable way to solve a problem is to eliminate these contradictions. One basic example of a contradiction in daily life is on use of umbrella to protect oneself from weather elements.

A large umbrella will compromise one’s ability to move freely in the streets and enter buildings.

To solve the contradiction of need for cover against weather elements and utilization of space – Umbrellas are designed to be foldable as to be small when not in use and opened when need be.

Innovators participating in the annual IREN Technologies and Innovation platform have traditionally relied on brainstorming to come up with an innovative solution.

Brainstorming relies on existing knowledge of participants and its results may be unpredictable and not meet scientific standards of being repeatable.

“This book is a must have for all innovators in Kenya and the East Africa region. It has schematic guidelines on how one can apply for copyright and patents to address fear of intellectual property theft, “said Mr. James Shikwati, Founder Director IREN Kenya.

The IREN Technologies and Innovation Platform 2021 (ITIP2021) aims to catalyze problem solving and productivity in the agribusiness sector.

The ITIP2021 initiative is supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) with an overall aim to encourage food security solutions in the Lake Region of Kenya.

Journalist/PR Practitioner who seeks to tell the African stories in an African way. Be it on Politics, Sports, Business, and Current News the story will be told. Twitter @kmajangah

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