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Kenyans encouraged to embrace traditional herbal medicine



Our immune systems do a remarkable job of defending you against disease causing micro-organisms. However, at times this reliance may fail, and you develop symptoms.

Is it possible to intervene in this process and boost your immune system? Yeah, there are various ways this can be done. This includes improving your diet, taking vitamins, taking miti shamba solutions and changing your lifestyle (no smoking, less alcohol, limited stress).

As we age, our immune responses capability becomes reduced which intern contributes to more infections. While some people age healthily, majority of the elderly become prone to small infections and likely to die from them.

Respiratory infections, influenza and pneumonia have been leading causes of death of people above the age of 65 in addition to cancer and cardio-vascular reasons. Though in 2020, the rise of the COVID-19 didn’t prepare the world for the unexpected toll on people with this age group.

A Kenyan start up is here to make a difference especially when it comes to dealing with viral infections that affect people of all age groups including the elderly. XRP Medical Kenyan Limited is one of the few companies in the country to fully commit in selling alternative medications that one can take to boost their daily immunity especially in the current conditions we continue to live in.

Their Healthouself Formula 3, one of a kind, promises to raise the level of your antibodies in your blood and clearing toxins in your system leaving you much healthier with stronger immune system. Fact is this herbal medicine is made of Chinese traditional herbs composed of a Jade Screen formula created more than seven hundred years ago.

In clinical use, this product has been verified for having a powerful role in strengthening immunity and preventing diseases for over seven hundred years. On this basis, Healthouself Formular 3, with the appropriate alterations to the variety of herbal medicine, is suitable for people who are prone to colds, weakness and sweat perfusion.

According to Edgar Ngugi, GM of XRP Medical Kenya, says that Healthouself Formula 5 has undergone rigorous scrutiny exercise by relevant government bodies including the Pharmacy and Poisons Board and the World Health Organization (WHO) has approved for human consumption. He further clarified that the herbal products should not be prescribed for children under three years and pregnant women adding that their dosage is being worked on and will be available soon in the market.

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