Julius Bitok Brought in Millions for Tea Farmers in 2021 now he is ready to do the same for Uasin Gishu County

Kenyan tea farmers are now smiling all the way to the bank thanks to ambassador Julius Bitok who has brought in a whopping 100billion in tea imports from his assigned country of Pakistan.
Many tea farmers were filled with joy, jubilation and tears of joy after years of suffering and poor payment.
Mary Chepchirchir said, “For years now we have been through a lot and many had given up on tea farming but Mr Bitok has given us hope and a new beginning.”
For years they predicted that Britain would always take first place as Kenya’s largest importer of tea but Mr Bitok changed the game leaving many in shock.
According to experts this is the first time in Kenyan history an ambassador has brought in such a mind-blowing amount.
It is due to this that President Uhuru Kenyatta was all smiles as he awarded Mr. Bitok an MBS and was even more excited that this will contribute largely to his legacy.
Mr Bitok took over and changed the game securing his place as one of the best in economic matters as he sets his eyes onto Uasingishu county as its next governor many believe that he will bring the same abundance and prosperity into Uasin Gishu that he has to Kenya.
Many believe this because he is a man of actions and has a proven track record that speaks for itself.
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